
We had snow over night, before I went out to 8am service I took this scene, as I was driving I just wished I'd had my camera because it was such a pretty vista.
The temperature has risen so this bit of snow won't last long, altho' the sludge underfoot I think is more dangerous , especially if it freezes.
Tele tonight .... War and Peace .... Relationships still in trouble one way and another, I'm enjoying it tho' many aren't . The production is quite lavish, and I must say I do like costume drama's .
Just a steady walk this afternoon I think , but when you use a stick care is needed as it can slip. " A " is coming latter so I will have company, he is very sure of foot, tho' this sometimes can be precarious !
We are having lamb for our dinner tonight , yum I love lamb.

Happy ..... to share dinner with " A"

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