Cicada in the Raspberry Patch

I went to pick some raspberries this morning and while hunting for the berries, spotted this cicada. I ran back inside for the camera but needn't have hurried as the cicada was still sitting there when I got back and was in no hurry to move - even when I continued picking the berries.

 I have blipped the insect as I first saw it on the raspberry leaf and in the extras put a close up for those who would like to see more detail.

I am curious as to how others manage their time . Blipfoto takes a large piece of my day and now the year long course with Emma Davis is leaving me going under in the time commitment needed to do it justice what with Face Book and people posting their collections . I have other interests and projects that are suffering,  and  really need to focus on as well .

I dont know you folk who also work manage - you must have better time management skills than I have. I take my hat off to you .

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