The Tide Is High

Blinkin' heck! This is the river - and the field across from my house. The river can be seen on the left, the field is was on the right. It's usually a good four feet lower than the top of the riverbank and the river cannot usually be seen from this spot. I've just had a visitor who tells me the road along from the house is closed. Oh dear, poor people whose homes are on the riverbank.

This morning saw me driving to Braehead for a ski-ing lesson - extreme weather all round - I'll say it again those Westies drive like tw*ats. It was absolutely throwing it down, you couldn't see the road markings at times and they were flying past me. At one point someone went past me at 80mph while sending a text. Unbelievable.

Elsewhere, I've got a houseful of boys. Nephews up for T in the Park. They've been back this morning to get dry and to get wet (shower - doesn't make sense if you think too hard about it) and to get fed. They have abandoned the tent for now and will be back here tonight for a comfy sleep. I've asked them to keep an ear open for someone getting rid of a ticket tomorrow.

The Tide is High, Blondie - definitely not Atomic Kitten! 1980

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