Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Back to sheepdogs

Gathering sheep for another farmer today. Only took my young dogs as it was sleeting and snowing so I didnt want wee Shaw getting cold and wet. Funny working the sheepdogs after working the gundog. Need a lot more concentration for the sheepdogs! They were both very good if a little over keen. Glad to see a touch of sun on the gather just briefly though. It was very cold although i had enough layers on to keep warm. Didnt stay for food after the gather and veru glad we didnt as we hit a blizzard halfway back and that was before the high pass we go over. Conditions were pretty dicey for a bit then we met the gritter/snowplough and it wasnt so bad. Down towards the sea again and it was all gone and raining.

3c cold wind with sleet/snow/rain almost all day!

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