Growing old disgracefully



Another tough day in Salt Fish City. When we walk we normally stride out in a vaguely three-miles-an-hour fashion, but today we were forced - forced I tell you - to slow down because of the soaring temperatures. So we drifted into town for some tapas, had an abortive attempt to buy a pencil sharpener* and drifted home again, this time choosing to walk in the shade. Later, once we'd had a wee nap, I had my first beachcomb and paddle of the year.

The sensitive overload mechanism on the very modern electric panel in our apartment is a conservationist's dream. The cry goes up about 7 pm each evening, 'Switch off the lights, unplug your phone and don't dream of shaving - I'm going to cook a chicken'.

*I'm drawing a bit. Working on some Picassoesque postcards for a laugh.

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