
By pensionspoet

Sheringham Park

A nice lie in followed by a wander around the shops in Sheringham, and a coffee break in the Little Theatre cafe. Always a popular venue to stop off. We also bought a mantlepiece clock before heading home for lunch.

The dogs needed a long walk, so Jon and I drove down to Sheringham Park, where we spent 2 hours getting lost! The rhododendrons are blooming already and there were lots of things to photograph. It was cold, but bright and fresh. No snow today and it only tried vaguely to rain. I took
lots of pictures. I liked this one because of the lighting. 

Mollie & Henry didn't join us for the walk, but stayed at home to play guitars,,,Henry was giving Mollie a lesson. At least it wasn't x box/playstation etc. 

Tonight we are packing away the puzzle we completed last week, and getting out a new one....with wine of course & a film! We know how to live!

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