Bright Blue And Tweezers ...

I have had another down day today due to something that happened yesterday.

I can not be bothered to go into the full detail as to what has upset me, but it is to do with someone upsetting me yesterday wanting me to sign some papers for them to go under anesthestic for an operation on their knees but they could possibly die while having the operation as they have other problems which makes them high risk under anesthetic to go through with the operation, more likely they will live but I am not prepared to do this as I could not live with myself if they did die.

But this person feels I should do it for them, which has left me feeling a little selfish to say the least. I can not understand how some people ask so much of you. Eric and the boys have just left me to think this through, but they think I have made the right choice.

But I know I must follow my heart and not let people rule my head for me.

I will get over this in the next couple of days but as usual you have to get your thoughts and head around these things in your own time.

I call these times hard lessons, which hopefully will make me stronger and wiser.

I have only just uploaded yesterdays blip, sorry for not commenting over the last couple of days, I will try to catch up.

Thankyou Aaron for your idea of using these blue gloves and tweezers and telling me to upload this as my blip today, as I do not feel inspired today.

Loves Ya Loads Aaron

Mum xxx

It is my oldest son Jamie's 21st Birthday today, have a wonderful birthday hunni, dont get too drunk.

Love Mum, Dad, Aaron and Kieran xxxxx

Have a great weekend, enjoy ...

Hopefully we will get a little snow, that would put a smile on my face, I love snow.

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