Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Blip

By alfthomas


I had a great idea for my upcoming project yesterday, but it all changed at around 5am when my brain kicked in and stopped me going back to sleep - I started thinking about boundaries.

I find it quite interesting that there are so many boundaries around us that we take for granted, and never really think of as boundaries, doors, fences, walls, the kerb of a pavement etc. etc.. Most of us cross such boundaries on a daily basis without even thkining of them as boundaries, but, of course, they are boundaries, even if only in an abstract sense, they are the defining lines between spaces. Even if were are not thinking about it we get the messages that boundaries send a fence or wall festooned with barbed wire is very much sending us a keep out message. Of course that is a very obvious example, most are so subliminal that we get the message without it even crossing our mind that we have.

Btw, they cyclist was a bonus...

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