First day of the rest...

By Loobs

Down by the pond

One of my favourite places at work.I've never tried to feed the ducks in the dark before. They weren't very interested so I put it on the ground for tomorrow. I think I might make a list of all the things I love and hate about my current job (in a very large University Library), as I'm going to leave in January.

Here's a rough draft:

The duck pond.
When people say thankyou.
The construction and engineering students - I always think they could be mates with my Dad.
The DVDs you can rent for free from the art, media and design campus.

The general rudeness of "the public" i.e. answering a mobile phone at the issue desk while I am serving them (IN A LIBRARY).
The mothers who think they can leave their kids with you while they go to lectures.
The students who think they are going to rule the world just because they have finished one year of an undergraduate law or business degree.

I may add to this list as I go along.

On another note, Kieron is having his wisdom teeth out tomorrow.

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