2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

Peace Square

Early start for a trip to London to do a one-day course on marketing. All good stuff and a chance to escape the office and focus on future plans rather than dealing with every day stuff.

Took a quick walk out at lunch time into nearby Tavistock Square. I was surprised to find this statue of Mohandas Gandhi in the middle. It had several lit candles at the base and is obviously still visited by many. Apparently, the statue, by Fredda Brilliant, was given to London by the Indian High Commissioner in Britain in 1967. There are now several other peace memorials in the square.

I'd watched a TV programme on the 7/7 bombings in 2005 the night before and realised that Tavistock Square was very close to the bus bomb. There was a very pretty patch of fairly new planting in the garden and I wonder if this is part of a memorial to the victims of the attack.

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