Watery Wonder

Some days life just feels tough doesn't it?! Ridiculous when I think about all that so many people go through... The day began with a very emotional and crying Asha, and that kind of set the tone really...Tomorrow is lovely Marta's last day, and I think Asha's feeling the harshness of all these goodbyes she's constantly saying. Anyway, went and helped at swimming...was good to see Asha have the guts to jump in the deep end (not that she had much choice!), and see her feeling proud of herself after her class!
Tonight I went over to San An to help Abby out with the tea/bath/bedtime routine for Sol, her other half's away this week, so an extra pair of hands was wanted! Nearly missed my bus as a guy came off his motorbike into a van in front...no-one else stopped or helped him! Amazingly he was ok, just shaken up... Then on the bus home, I had a high-as-a-kite drugged up woman next to me, literally screaming like a banshee, for 25 minutes!! I am now headachy!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Good times and wine with Abby - good to be able to share my worst bits with her...though I'll have to pay her off to keep her quiet!
2) Getting my times muddled and arriving at swimming 30 minutes early...was a good chance to just sit and pray for Asha.
3) Knowing that tomorrow is a new and fresh day, both it and I have the opportunity to be better. 

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