Building for the future

I was walking for the train back to Kent. These cranes at the end of the street near Russel Square tube station caught my eye. An icy sporadic rain was falling and my suitcase wheels were sticking. A passing guy said, seeing me struggle my DSLR out of my manbag, ' That should make a good shot.'

I found London more friendly than when I lived there. I  was even offered a cup of tea on the house at Pret.

No news is good news in as much as bad news would have been no negotiation and a flat refusal of our funding efforts.  I suspect whatever happens will need a bit of bargaining and recalibrating.

Cold in east Kent tonight with a biting northerly. The trains are all ahoo and ahoy with the washout of the Dover line. Schlepping to Folkestone is no fun and tonight there were hundreds of lorries stacking up for the ferries. Poor drivers.

Couldn't resist putting in these reflections on the Somerset House river terrace as an extra.

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