Emergency Billy Blip :)

I started the day a bit later with a dream before I woke up of being very late and oversleeping, so it was a bit of a panic at first!

Headed to the Dr's for an appointment to discuss my knee issues and nearly fell over in the car park it was soooo icy!  I went in and told the receptionist, but she didn't seem to want to know...

Anyway I now have an appointment on Monday at 9am (groan) to see my Consultant to discuss how it is and see where we go from here.  Thankful for this, as I've had a lot of pain recently....  Luckily the hospital is just round the corner from where I work apparently, so I really hope it isn't snowy or too icy for me to drive!

Went to work after getting stuck in a crazy traffic jam through the town because they have closed the road over a bridge for a whole year, means the town is cut in two just now!

Left the camera in the car today and didn't get a chance to go out in the ice to take pictures (because it was so slippery at the Dr's I didn't dare to take picture as well), so its an emergency blip day :)

Came home to find this boy has been in his bed most of the day under the radiator, who can blame him :)

Thank you for all your comments and stars this week.  So sorry for not commenting much at all as I'm trying to get my details finalised for the service I'm leading on Sunday afternoon...

Happy Thursday folks :)

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