Snowy Nissen Hut

The snow finally arrived early this morning.  It hasn't been the best of snow, it's been that horrible slushy, wet snow, that makes a mess of everything.  It will likely be melted by the morning, but fingers crossed we get proper snow soon :) 

The morning commute was going fine, and then I came into Gulberwick and the traffic almost came to a stop.  Some reason there was a panic on the roads and the cars had slowed down.  Finally made it into work and it's been fairly quiet, as expected.  There has been varoius folk in to see the Up Helly Aa exhibition, that seems to be really popular :)  A night at home alone.  No work in the pub, no nothing but feet up and the telly :) 

There has been snow over Shetland today but not the whole isle.  The south mainland east coast got it heavy, but the westside has been more patchy, some parts with no snow.  Going through the Black Gaet this morning was fairly slow but by lunchtime, the roads were clear again.  I stopped off to snap some photos by this old Nissen Hut, but it wasn't the brightest of light.  Taken along the Black Gaet road.  

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