Optic Nerve

By BillFroog

Final Farewells

On the balcony with Subhash - joined gradually by Ashish, Jasper and Luka and finally Rich.
Luxuriating in the airy balcony where generation upon generation of this family have and do sit as part of the daily routine. The breeze carries sounds from neighbouring nalas, and a myriad of scents from up in the mountaintops to down from the valley floor. The garden is in full bloom and life is full of sunshine. Very sad to leave.
Of course this placid scene was shortly disrupted when we drove down for me to join my Delhi bus... and found a large yellow bulldozer had fallen across the road!
This, of course, should have been the blip - but between running under large, precarious pieces of earth moving equipment to try (in vain) to find a taxi trapped in the queue the other side - and making a dash to the next vehicular bridge down the valley to flag buses on the main road - I neglected to take any photos. Darn! I forgot the central lesson from the HHGttG.. Don't Panic!

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