Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

The Baker Boys

A very busy day today being an engaged citizen.  And a rubbish breakfast to be busy on because of running out of bread. Of course I should have been making some. but no time, no time, so before lunch I raced into town to the bread stall at the market, the fabulous Baker Boys, who make wholemeal spelt.  It is expensive there and not as good as mine but I am very grateful indeed to occasionally be able to rely on it.

You see them here on the left of the picture.  You can also see that as well as brilliant sunshine it was a very cold day!  Definitely the lowest temperatures we've had this winter.

After I got home I had a slice of it slathered in peanut butter (my version of living dangerously) then packed my old gent into the Dial-A-Ride bus and took him to a New Year celebration tea where we had a long talk by an amateur pantomime dame and ate yellow and pink fondant fancies.  The excitement of life.  No, really..

Have a good Wednesday evening and talk to you later  xx

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