Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Van, Dog and Cat

"I have a real problem with stillness. With just stopping and being quiet."
Gillian Anderson

I've been told I have to sit here for some reason this morning. Still.

Still is not interesting. In fact, on the whole, stillness is quite dull. Boring.

aprecious has a low boredom threshold. And so do I. The best cures for boredom involve knowing yourself. I know myself. I am called Maud.

1. Cheer up Using Signature Strengths!
Apparently everyone has a unique signature strength. Mine is running about like a mad thing. And recently I have been on a number of table expeditions - I am good at covert overt expeditions. Knowing what I am good at is a great place to begin to counteract boredom!

2. When Bored with Life Use your Strengths!
I am supposed to ask people close to me what my strengths are. I have asked aprecious what she thinks. When she got up off the floor after laughing, she said, "Sit!". And "Wait!" - which wasn't helpful. Apparently, being bored just means I am a little low on energy. To reinvigorate myself I just need to activate one of my strengths. Then I won't be bored any more. So, I ran about with a stick for a bit.

aprecious was a bit on the naffed off side when I ran about because I spoilt her shot. She said she is getting quite bored of me running about like a mad thing and please can I, for pity's sake, just sit still? She says that it is really, really boring when I run about and do not do what I am told.

Looks like we have an impasse.

Knackered today. I will not be defeated. Like the flowers?

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