Well as expected I stink at it!! The first task was to draw the tutor!! I started with the chair she was sat on and worked my way up - upon getting to her face I freaked out and went back to the necklace she was wearing! At one point I heard myself say "Oh hello!" as I realised the arm I had drawn was actually following the line of the bottom of her cardigan and was in the wrong place - and I had actually been pleased with the clasped hands I had drawn! On looking at everyone elses I realised they had just drawn her face - whilst I had a faceless seated figure looking rather like a very poor attempt of the cubist style!! I have Pereceptuo-motor Dysfunction when it comes to drawing ! My eyes and hands have no connection and my ability to spatially recreate is nil!
I did have fun doing free drawing in response to a word - we all came up with similar images, sometimes identical, proving there is a universal drawing language? So if you look at my extra can you identify anger / joy / loneliness / depression / tranquility / femininity / energy? There should also be confusion but for some reason it's not in the photograph I took!! Try it for yourself if you like - identification in tomorrows blip!
Our final task was to draw a shell with the right then left hand, without taking the pencil off the paper, and then with the pencil pushed through a piece of paper so you couldn't see what you were drawing, and finally the negative space around 3 shells. The one I did with my left hand was the best - maybe I'm left handed and don't know it? I think more likely it was because it was to be expected the drawing would be worse so the pressure was off!
Our homework is to draw something every day so that we improve through practise - rather like blip! But I think longterm I will be letting my camera do my drawing for me - feels far more comfortable! I shall continue as it was fun and interesting and I will push my shame and mortification at my utter lack of ability to one side - who knows, I may get better, but I'm not holding my breath!
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