Under Pressure

Now I’ve got your attention, I want to ask you to pledge or donate £10 (more, if you can) to Blipfuture. Even if you already have, do it again. Let’s keep the total moving up.
Blipping is something I’ve done every day for the last 5 years. Can you imagine waking up tomorrow and there being no Blip?  I, for one, can’t!
My record on commenting is not great, but I do value the kindness and companionship of people I’ve got to know through Blip. I don’t want any frills from Blip. I just want somewhere where I can post a photo, and a small reminder to myself of what I did on that day – in short, a photojournal.
Posting an anniversary blip always makes me feel under pressure to come up with a good photo, and the natural world isn’t always as obliging, but today this Kingfisher fished and posed for me for a good 15 minutes before a dog walker disturbed him.
On today’s sad news, music hasn’t really been a big thing in my life, but its soundtrack certainly includes David Bowie, so I’m remembering him in my Blip with one of my favourite songs.

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