Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Playing with myself

I don't think that this is the result that Mr Mouse was expecting ;)

Lighting is terrible, but it had gotten dark by the time I got a chance to play and yes I should have used a tripod. 

Was hoping that I was nausea free and purposely didn't take lunch time tablet, as I thought I would reduce myself off of them but I started to feel sick walking around the supermarket. I have also spent most of the day on the laptop. Will take evening tablet and full dose tomorrow. 

Back to work as today was the last day that I could self cert. I really couldn't face going in today. Another night that I woke up at around 4 am after tossing and turning for a while. 

Had a little cry this morning as I got Jeeves supper bowl out of the dishwasher, I didn't want it to be put in the cupboard and forgotten so it has been utilised as a water bowl. 

This afternoon Mr Mouse snuck two little bunnies inside for a bit. We are not bunny proofed for little bunnies. 

I have yet to have the strength to clear away his dig box but it was nice to see the little bunnies tucking into the fresh hay that he never got a chance to eat. 

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