Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Cabin fever

It rained in Manchester most of the weekend and it was raining in Lincolnshire this morning.  Opportunities for walks have been at a premium.  Today we decided to walk come what may even though rain was threatening and the countryside looked like a wet rag wrung out.  Still we walked fast and got some fresh air.  Healthy good intentions were somewhat spoilt by an invitation to eat some left overs for lunch.  The 'leftovers' were more like a regal spread and I found it difficult to choose between the home made pavlova, the carrot cake and the Victoria sponge. I felt duty bound to try all three!  Guilt drove me to work in the afternoon incinerating several years' worth of business records.  I also managed to get bliprip to work on my Mac after advice and help from monochrome. Many thanks to him.  All my blips are now safe but it would be sad if they were just a dry record rather than part of an ongoing shared experience with other blippers.  

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