Northern Exposure

By Northern


Over the past few months I've more or less joined the ranks of the lapsed blippers. Not been a conscious decision, just other things filling up my time and broken habits of both taking pics and posting blips and a vague notion that I may* have over the past 9 years (nearly) blipped what I have to blip.

I did however, pop past the site to take a peek at what was going on in various journals, comment every now and again and just have a wee blip wander as a distraction to things I should be getting on with. More importantly I always had in mind that one day I would blip more regularly again.

So, I may not post often at the moment but with the hope that the site may be there when I want it to be, I have pledged and crossed my fingers.

In the meantime.... it's the old standby of open window+thatview+a glimpse of blue sky= My Blip.

*then again, maybe not....

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