Help Save Blipfoto.

This might be what we'll see if we don't raise the money it will take to buy Blipfoto for ourselves. 

We have a wonderful team of volunteers with great credentials busting their butts for us in order to save this wonderful site that we have all come to love. We have friends all over the world that we will never see again if we don't come up with the funds. 

If you feel you have been burned in the past, please take just a couple of minutes to read about how the new team plans to run the site WITH OUR INPUT.

If you love Blipfoto, please take just a few minutes to think how much Blipfoto means to you. It will be well run and transparent. You will not lose the connections you have already made and you will have the opportunity to make more. You will have a record of your life to pass on to your children. You will be comforted, uplifted, and supported by people from all over, by people who are willing to share their lives with you. 

Perhaps you are reading this on Facebook or some other social media. If it means something to you, please consider making a donation. Every bit helps, particularly as the Blipfuture team begins this week to negotiate for OUR future.

Here's how you can do it :


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