Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Avoiding my messy house

The dog put in a fairly strong combination of vocal and sad eyes complaints at the lack of Sunday morning walk action so we relented and headed to Newburgh beach. Highest tide/ fullest Ythan estuary we've ever seen. The boat house was cut off, straw lapping at the dunes pretending to be sand banks and there was barely a slip of sand to walk on until way out into the estuary. Saw some of the infamous little auks, but they were bobbing in the water quite far out fishing so hopefully all okay, apart from being blown hundreds of miles form where they were supposed to be. Smelly, dirty debris everywhere following the storms and upstream floods, swept down, up and dumped by the tide from the Ythan, Don and Dee and around the coast. A family were admirably doing their best with a makeshift container washed ashore to gather some plastic bottles and glass. We felt very guilty and silly we hadn't been doing the same so Dave grabbed a beached recycling box and we loaded it up. A drop in the ocean in terms of the "crap lying everywhere" as Dave put it. Kind of feel bad we got out of the habit of bagging and recycling crap when we go to the beach, we will from now on.

Back to wash our hands..(The only flotsam and jetsam I like to usually touch is my own messy house. I got a bit carried away posting on social media groups promoting local beach clean ups, even popped my Fubar cherry, risking the utter numpty comments that used to annoy me about that page. But it went down well, bringing out the existing clean up enthusiasts and a lot of folk that might now remember to take a clear-up bag with them next time.

And finally, bowling down at the beach at Tess' request. Loads of human flotsam and jetsam down there of a Sunday night. It's been years since we've bowled, let's just say we need more practice, a lot more practice.

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