Was It Really So Long Ago

By LincolnGreen

Fondant Centre

The day began with milk for the youngest and pancakes for all, today in two varieties for the children because that's the kind of Dad I am. Master H declared his disapproval of the proffered meal, announcing 'don't like it' but then proceeded to empty his plate anyway (must remember to check behind the sofa... no he would have complained of hunger before lunch surely).

Outside, the grass has continued to grow during our mild winter, to the extent that objects are beginning to disappear into it. I unfortunately discovered this fact while flattening the lush blades with the mower. Suffice it to say, we now have two halves of a plastic trowel and some kind of orange object that defies identification.

The search for a summer holiday venue got underway in earnest with laptop, iPad and phone put to work on the case. The quiet was punctuated only by the occasional taping of keys and questions like 'How many bedrooms do we need?' 'Where is Little Snoring?' and 'this one has a games room!'

After a few jobs around the house and a meal prepared and devoured, it was time to relax in front of Criminal Minds Season 10 (which in a matter of hours will be removed from Amazon Video).

These fondant centres are as the box proclaims, enrobed in dark chocolate. Nice.

Have a great week all. Crunch meeting on Tuesday (while I'll be on a plane, natch).

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."

Thomas A. Edison

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