A subtle hint...

...I have just downloaded some free photo software on to my new laptop. The other one gave up the ghost on Wednesday. So on top of learning Windows 10 which so far seems to me a hotchpot of earlier Windows versions and Windows 8, making up a cauldron of bits and pieces, I have his lordship to contend with.

He trampled on the keyboard altering the settings of the photo I was altering...actually his version was better than mine...

So I went into the kitchen, or rather he led me into the kitchen...so, 3 cats waiting expectantly to be fed and a dog in tow...

They rejected the sachets cat food. When I went in the fridge to get some turkey for me his lordship swiped my hand from above the fridge. The other 3 animals looked on expectantly...

It is not enough that I give them my turkey, but I have to chew it up first, much like a bird catching a worm and regurgitating it for her young...

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