Tidying up

It being another dreich old day, I set to on sorting out the Xmas cards and old calendars. A couple of things reminded me how much pleasure we have derived from blipping through the years – making friends with people across the world, some of whom we’ve met in person but many of whom we’ve yet to meet.

For instance, if I hadn’t blipped a particular gravestone  in Tynecot war cemetery in Flanders, the dead soldier’s nephew (and namesake) would never have been tracked down on the other side of the world by cabbagetree. And a casual mention of Twin Peaks meant that we received as a lovely surprise a pair of authentic Twede’s Café mugs from tookie! It was great to meet J V D G and Marylee when they visited, and in spite of J’s immense knowledge and experience of birdlife the world over, he was very gracious about our local urban wildlife on the Water of Leith!

Then there are those we’ll never meet, like Molly in Tuscany ; although we still have her beautiful book to look at, to which I was alerted by dogwithnobrain . And if I hadn’t randomly stumbled across raej's journal I would never have known about the horrible abuse that bears suffer when having their bile “harvested” (something I can never now forget).

Then later I was alerted by Whisky Foxtrot  to the fact that the Scotland the world over video could still be watched on vimeo -  https://vimeo.com/35916887 . Woo-hoo!  Even better, I found that the wonderful lifeturns https://vimeo.com/14439131 was still there too – it was great to watch it again. There’s Stewart Bremner, a sartorial delight as ever,  and here’s parsfan with a baby in a rucksackCyclops is in there too, and I make a fleeting appearance with the banjo. Around then may have been the only time we met Barrioboy in person , at Inspace. And  Soob does a  great job of flicking her hat on to her head at the end. I strongly urge you to watch it, just in case the blipfuture plan doesn’t work out and we all vanish in a puff of electrons.


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