Up the Shard.

It was Mr W's Birthday so we had a great day out in London together.
It was my intention to lead him and take charge, but being the planner and perfectionist that he is, he couldn't resist the temptation to check train times, plan routes, and design his own schedule. But to be honest, I was quite happy for that to happen as I'm not great with numbers and we would have probably missed the train home if it was left to me!

The Shard was an amazing experience. The view, despite the rain and cloud was quite spectacular. We didn't get to see the sunset despite booking the right time to see it because ..well.. there wasn't any sun! But we did get our Champagne and see the whole of London turn into night time. 

My only compliant would have been the speed at which the staff usher you up the building. They were a bit like robots and you on a conveyor belt, speeding through the floors like lightening that made your ears pop, but once up the top it was breathtaking.

We spent a few hours up there checking it all out. Mr W took great delight in telling me every single landmark!

Mr W then helped me as I wanted to get Tower Bridge all lit up, but the rain was driving so it didnt work. We then passed a cute little Brasserie right on the river that looked quite intimate and not busy, so we decided to eat there and cancelled the booking for Marco Pierre Whites Italian Restaurant. The wind and rain was just too...well...wet and cold to walk very far.

However, by the time we had finished eating, the rain had stopped and Mr W asked me if I wanted to walk across London bridge to get my Shot of Tower Bridge. I'm so glad we did. The picture is in my Extras. I would have liked to have made it my main blip but it had to be of Mr W didn't it!

We messed about a bit on the train home and got back by about 10.30. Happy, full and glad to be in before midnight!

Happy Birthday to my Gorgeous Husband.

Quote of the day - "its behind that big building!"

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