The Happy Gardener
Lots of brilliant things about today:
1. A lie-in. The first morning for about a month when I didn't have to get up. So I didn't. And even when I couldn't sleep any more I just lay in bed enjoying the not-getting-up'ness of it all.
2. Fabulous weather. Mild, sunny (off and on) and not a breath of wind. With my afternoon unexpectedly free (for not such a brilliant reason) I spent it in the veg garden, with Archers catch-up burbling away in the background, and my jumper on a gatepost. The weeding is mostly done, the broad beans are under a cloche rather than a sheet of plastic and this enormous grass has been tamed a little, ready for its eventual removal to the grassy knoll.
3. Roast chicken dinner. No explanation needed.
4. Movie night. (Mission Impossible 5)
And the not so good. CarbBoy is properly poorly. He couldn't play his basketball match this afternoon, and it's not looking good for the Panier d'Or tomorrow afternoon.
And it's his birthday tomorrow.
A final hopefully brilliant thing. Blip is getting close to the funding target. But is it close enough for the meeting on Tuesday?
Now, I don't do this kind of thing as a rule: I don't ask folk to sign petitions (or not often) or to donate or sponsor me in funruns. But anyone who's reading this and isn't a blipper, consider how empty your life would be without tales of the Mad Broken House, how flat it would feel without the latest B family car saga, and maybe think about giving a little.
I mean, if everyone who enjoys my blip gave just the price of one cup of coffee, that would be at least £2.15 in the coffers...
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