
By DramaQueen

Bygone Times

Mr A has been to this place many times, but today was the first time he took me with him.

I wasn't sure what to expect; antiques and curios I guessed. Yes, they were there, but sadly amongst a load of old tat!
It's a huge place, in a series of old mill buildings, we spent a good while mooching round.
The store is divided into little booths; each of which is rented by someone as a place to advertise and sell their stuff. There's some pretty obscure stuff in there!

I've done a collage to show some of the random things on offer.

Top left is a picture I remember vividly from childhood; I think it was called 'Wings of Love' and my Mum always loved it. We didn't have one but a few of Mum's friends did.

Top right is a man who was actually quite sinister looking to start with who bought a very rusty meat cleaver.

Central is part of the store; this is a fraction of the building just to give you an idea of the size of the place.

Bottom left......I'm still wondering wtf?

Bottom right was a fab top hat that I found but Mr A made me take it off. Spoilsport :-(

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