
By TheJuicyDoyenne

Sunset Reflections on Penns Creek

I was a little under the weather today but managed to pull it together around sunset when I grabbed my camera and set off down the road in search of something to photograph.
I didn't have much time as daylight was fading fast but, as it turns out, I didn't need much time as just down the street, at the end of Paradise Road, I found a pretty little scene - the evening's sunset reflected in the serene waters of Penns Creek.

The surface of the water 
Reflects the end of day. 
The sun is quickly setting 
As the trees tuck it away. 
The water now reflecting 
The last of this days light. 
While proudly now displaying 
The daytime turning to night. 
The blue sky's promptly turn to gray  
As the sun goes down. 
Casting shadows on the land 
And buildings all around. 
The final light of the day 
Bids the trees goodnight. 
As the moon takes its place 
The sun falls out of sight.

~ Bob Sellers, Sunset Reflections

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