The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Getting there ..

Thank you for the sympathy and support yesterday. I'm up and running again and gradually reinstalling the various apps that I need. I just noticed that my 'telephone support' expires at the end of this month which is a bit of a frightening prospect!

I seem to remember that a lot of *you*  have Macs? How do you manage your photos? When I (reluctantly) upgraded to El Capitan I was a bit fed up to find they'd replaced iPhoto with 'Photos' - which I really hate, and didn't seem to be very easy to organise, nor did it keep my editing and labelling of 20,000 photos so I couldn't find anything any more!

I managed somehow to get iPhoto back on my computer and tried to ignore Photo, which insisted on launching itself at every opportunity.

Now I have lost iPhoto - and can't really see how to replace it - and I suppose as it won't be supported any longer I may as well go with an alternative.

I edit in Lightroom, so may just use that for storage and organising as well. I hate change for the sake of it. I was quite happy with things as they were - boo hiss.

Meanwhile - here's beautiful Auntie fox this morning.

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