Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Crossing Guide

This is Dorothy, every school morning I have my first adult conversation outwith the house with her. The usual chat hills, fishing and weather.

I remember when Eco Daughter first started school and she was excited when her elder brother mentioned the lollipop lady. She thought that this lady handed out lollipops rather than help them cross the road. Great disappointment.

I tell Eco daughter this is one of the brightest people that she will meet!!!

Popped over to doctors for more blood tests, on the way to work spotted about 100 waxwings stripping the rowans in Brunstfield Links. Stood under the tree for ages awaiting their return but they roosted the big sycamores. A lonely Blackbird came to the tree but very little berries left for it. I stopped under the big trees to listen into their musical conversations

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