Growing old disgracefully



My lovely sister in law gave me this Amaryliis for my birthday.  It took less than five weeks to flower, but it  seemed much longer, which just reminds me of how easy it is to be impatient.  This was worth the wait.  I have never before had a white one with this delicate pink veining. 

It's been a lovely busy day.  I like days that start early (6 am this morning) with a sense of drive and enthusiasm.  Mind you, I had peaked by 8.30 and went back to bed for a glorious long lie till 10 am.  Well, its that time of the year, isn't it.  

Today I am starting a photography workshop with Emma Davies.  I like her philosophy:

 'Today is the day to stop feeling guilty about what you don't know about your camera. This is the first day of a new beginning - it's time to embrace the enthusiasm you have for creating images, rather than dwelling on what you haven't mastered yet.'  

Amen to that.   Today we are encouraged to think of something we wish to collect - photographically that is.  I haven't quite decided, but I think I may go for 'desks' and maybe slide sideways into 'office supplies' as well, given I have a bit of an office supplies addiction. Now where did I leave that stationery catalogue...

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