
By Nowt2See

Van Gogh Effect

I just wanted to see some colour its so grey out again the weather man did promise some sunshine but it can late in the day to really enjoy its benefit.A trip out wrapped up, a walk to the garden centre camera at hand for a colourful blip, turn the corner and their not quite dancing in the breeze or daffs /sunflowers but that will do for me Tommy.. A colourful blip well its cheered me up know end am glowing now. 

Van Gogh depicted the view at different times of day and under various weather conditions, including sunrise, moonrise, sunshine-filled days, overcast days, windy days, and one day with rain. The hospital staff did not allow Van Gogh to paint in his bedroom, but he was able to make sketches in ink or charcoal on paper, and eventually he would base newer variations on previous versions.
Strange now that most hospital have the van Gogh effect on there walls maybe there was something in it for us all to see, but it was not heard.

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