Hot Ham Sandwich?

Today was the annual church gala day.  The weather was perfect, cloudy, and warm with a slight breeze.  Hundreds of holiday makers turned up, and enjoyed all the activities available during the day.  

The food outlets provided sausage sizzle, hamburgers, pavlova, raspberries and cream, with a wild food stall which sold whitebait fritters as well as venison sausages.  There were a variety of ice cream stalls and the candy floss went down well..

To ride on were vintage cars, train rides, little buggies, as well as quoits, bungy jumps and other carnival activities.  All in all a great day out.  I'll sleep well tonight.

In this photo l to r:  Pianolady, J, the ham carver, J, who put the ham on the bread, and acyclinggranny, who took the money.  We made a good team.

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