
"You haven't increased your pledge to Blipfoto yet?" 

That's what the little Red-breasted Nuthatch seems to be saying to the Dark-eyed Junco here, at least to my Blipfoto-obsessed mind!

The Blipfuture team's progress review meeting with the current owners is coming up fast --- "around 11th January" according to the team's latest communication. At that meeting, "if we are all confident that the crowdfunding will succeed, we will start detailed negotiations."

BUT -- "If the existing owners are not confident of success at that time, we are likely to lose this opportunity, and Bipfoto will close." 

Done. Finished. GONE.

We're in the homestretch -- let's make every effort to be winners! Forget the "55 Days to run" countdown on the Blipfuture page, because it's the next handful of days that really count.

Pledge HERE for the first time, if you've been putting it off, or to increase your existing pledge(s)!

(The extra photo is a rare sighting of our Red-breasted Nuthatch at rest.)

Blip 1449

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