A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Anna went back to school. Carl took J to oxygen (12) and I headed to the Land of the Gods* for a shower following my first Barrecore class of the year (let's just say, ouch). So after two weeks of almost constant company our little (ha ha) pooch fell asleep at the bottom of the stairs and this is what I found when I returned.

There is nothing particularly special happening today so I am hijacking my own blip to put my own little blip plea out there.

On the one hand I obviously hope that all interested have already pledged. And then again at the same time I hope some are holding back for whatever reason as we are not quite there yet. If you haven't and are able please consider doing so. I know I probably shouldn't resort to emotional tactics but desperate times and all that...this Sunday is the year anniversary of Jackson's injury. The year ago button is about to become a bit painful, though hopefully hopeful too. Without blip I wouldn't have been able to keep the record I have of this time and I hope it doesn't sound odd that I am so glad to have it. And not only the record but it has been cathartic to keep blipping and I have had amazing support from both people I know in the physical world and this virtual one.  For this reason, amongst others, I don't consider blip to be social media as we think of it. I can't imagine being so open in any other online environment. I don't really know how to categorise it - collective blogging / group therapy?? - but I do think it is special and unique and worth saving.

Even if last year had been an 'ordinary' year I think I would still be making the same plea. It would just lack the emotional tugging bit ;-). I have pledged as I know it is for me primarily that I keep blipping.  But if anyone else gets anything out of it too please consider contributing to its continued existence.

Lesley x

EDIT:  The link might be a good idea...Save Blip Here

*aka upstairs

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