
I decided to have a walk into town today to get my Fitbit steps up. I've been really hit and miss with this since just before Christmas, mainly because of how grey and damp it is and how busy I've been. I'm going to get an indoor stepper so I can use that alongside actual walking and catch up on TV at the same time! Come warmer days I will probably want to be outside more!

While I was in town I took a few shots including this one of the River Witham near City Square.

Today is my daughter Jeri's birthday. She is 30, which seems unbelievable! I will see her to give her presents at the weekend - more running stuff, which is what she wanted!

I've had a bit of a tidy up, including putting one of my old handbags in the bin. I hated doing it! It had been a favourite, but it's now very shabby and a replacement had been bought. I'm not a hoarder and we have limited space so it had to go. 

The Christmas decs went back to the loft last night and some clutter has gone to the charity shop today. Having a thorough declutter is one of my aims for this year.

I have to go to work tonight - for one hour! I actually don't mind going apart from it means having to get ready and put make up on just for such a short time. And risking making my uniform dirty. Hopefully I can keep it clean enough for my full shift tomorrow.

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