An Unexpected Guest

When we arrived at the farm yesterday I was startled to find this young man camped, tent and all, on our verandah.
He was most embarrassed and began profusely apologising in broken English.
It wasn't hard to guess why he was there. It has been pouring with rain and our farmhouse is situated beside a popular walking track. As there didn't seem to be anyone around he had taken shelter there the night before.
He hurriedly made moves to depart but we assured him it was OK to stay until the weather cleared.
Later he joined us in front of the fire and proved very interesting company. He is a young Slovakian engineer on holiday here.
We have so appreciated hospitality when we travel that we are always happy to be able to repay it. I'm sure he enjoyed meeting some locals, not to mention the beer, coffee, shortbread and hot shower!

A postscript to yesterday's blip of the newborn calf. After taking the photos of it we were horrified to notice some of the cows with older calves attempting to cross the swollen creek. We were fairly confident the new mum wouldn't be so foolish as felt it would be certain death to the baby calf.
However this morning we discovered that they had all safely crossed over!

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