a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

The Font of Wisdom

Somehow, someone in a land far, far away has tuned my brain into a Novelty Song Radio Station.*** All day I have been plagued with intermittent bursts of The Reluctant Cannibal complete with a glitch that sends my brain off on a tangent to Toto Coelo's I Eat Cannibals (I'm including links where possible for the benefit of the younger fry among you, just in case you've never heard of any of these...). Other featured items high on the playlist appear to be the The Witchdoctor Song (Alvin & the Chipmonks version), Star Trekkin', My Boomerang Won't Come Back, and The Rabbit of Seville. Cows with Guns made a cameo appearance but fortunately got elbowed out in the nick of time by a bit of Tom Lehrer. The thing is that whoever did this to me, they left the playlist on repeat, so it all keeps going around and around.

Meanwhile in Realityland, the receptionist is gone, the Associate Director is on holidays, and I am the only person who kept post-it notes from 6 years ago, which makes me the oracle who has the passwords to office accounts, couriers and other services that a company relies on. I am officially Indespensible (never mind that I can never be fired because in addition to knowing where everything is, I know too much dirt and scandal). I am bunnyhopping around 3 desk areas covering Management, Administration and Consultancy so in the heady rush of being useful & The Font of Wisdom I have decided the time is now ripe for me to institute a takeover bid. I figure at this rate of expansion I should have annexed a territory the size of Bolivia by Christmastime.

Oh, and these guys were changing a light several storeys up. Love those MC Hammer trousers. (Hammertime!)#

***Which I fondly imagine is based in Ohio for no reason that I can put my finger on.
# Yes I know they're practical trousers to shove drill bits and suchlike down. But I am juvenile-minded and still find them vastly entertaining.

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