Thinking more visually

By fjtweedie


A mushroom in the Pulpit Rock reservation, just west of Manchester, NH. When we lived here I always found it strange that our local airport was Manchester!

A quiet day at the hotel with girls jumping in and out of the pool, followed by a trip north to Pulpit Rock in search of a glacial pothole - a HUGE scoured out basin, like you get by waterfalls or fast flowing rivers today, but this one is over 42feet deep and massively scoured out. It is also an earthcache - a geocache where you learn about the geology and formation of the site.

We saw lots of frogs, butterflies and "Indian pipes" - a white plant/fungus which reminds me of coltsfoot in the UK, but these are entirely white.

Finished the day with hibachi at what used to be our local sushi restaurant - Susanna LOVED the entertainment aspect of the chef juggling eggs etc, and the girls both ate a surprising amount of food. Incredible!

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