But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Tiny Tuesday Fungus.

I took a walk in what we used to call “The Bluebell Woods,” for fairly obvious reasons, while herself was at work; we now know better and call it “Killburn Woods,” the spelling is variable, but it is the site of one of the three Battles of Roslin from 1403. Nine years ago I photographed the devastation caused by someone in authority tidying it up, and the picture was posted a couple of years ago. The local population was assured that the habitat would completely recover within a year, we’re still waiting for that to happen. Despite that, it can still raise a spectacular display of British bluebells with just a few of the Spanish interlopers near the entrance.
We will be visiting armed with trowels and bin bags in a few months’ time.
I stumbled across this specimen as I was leaving having given up on a macro subject for today. I like its curious shape but won’t try an identification; it is under a beech tree though the leaves come from many different species including birch and oak.
Today's Tiny Tuesday is hosted by Nickimags888.

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