
Or a tale of two hospitals.

I spent a large part of the morning in the Minor Injuries Unit at West Mendip hospital (top) with our son Chris who, it transpired, had managed to tear his calf muscle playing 5-a-side football last night.

A few hours later our friend Tony drove me to Musgrove Park hospital (bottom) - I wasn't allowed to drive myself for the reason given below - for my appointment with the eye specialist.

At both hospitals the staff were friendly, efficient and caring, despite being rushed off their feet. Thank goodness for the NHS!

Today a number of hospitals in the Sourh West have had to declare a state of emergency in their A&E departments, simply due to the levels of demand. If only the government were prepared to recognise that our hospitals are overworked, understaffed and not properly rewarded and focus more on rewards and less on targets.

I'm blaming the fuzziness of the bottom shot on the drops they put in my eyes that had made my vision so blurry that I didn't notice the lack of focus.

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