There's nothing like a wedding...
... To bring people together!
Out late on a school night, we were yesterday. Didn't get home till past 12 and as much as I wanted to, I could not bring myself to post a blip! So, the story... If you look at the extra, the bride used to be in Pathfinders years ago, but also, the family are well known to us from our Holy Trinity days. Divya got married to David, and also in the picture is David's eldest son. [The other two had fallen asleep].
Divya is a ballet dancer and it was really sweet seeing her and David doing a choreographed [first] dance!! Bet he never thought he'd do that in his life! He didn't let her down.
We had a fab evening - meeting up with old friends, some whom we hadn't seen in over 10 years. So cool... My main blip is of two of the many couples with whom we attended a monthly get-together of Christian business-people; the format of the meeting being a debate on subjects relevant to the time. We actually clocked up over 100 meets, which I guess means the group went on for several years. Something G & I definitely miss is organising games for the special Christmas meetings. We've done some crazy things!
I'm not sure why we stopped meeting, but there are fond memories now of the group, and talks of possibly reviving it again. I'm in. In 2000, we put together a time capsule which G & I still have, and I think in a place as transient as Dubai, 15 years may be long enough to wait to open it again. Actually, I am amazed at how many people are still here!
... And it was my first day back at work for 2016. A bit of a shock to the system. I have to keep reminding myself... I have to pay the bills, I have to pay the bills, I have to pay the bills... !!!
PS. I've tried to do my best to get the colours to look as normal as possible. There was very interesting mood lighting (pink and blue) which gave gorgeous skin tones when looking with the naked eye, but not so good to take photos.
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