The Double

I have tried and tried to convince mum to wear her Christmas present in a blip, but she has refused point blank. I don't really understand why, because I think our friends would like to see it. And I pose for blips all the time! She says No way. We finally agreed on this compromise. It is a super soft flannel pyjama with all sorts of dog breeds (no poodle, though) with speech bubbles, saying things like "When's dinner?", "What? It wasn't me!" and "Where is my ball?". I think it's brilliant! It must be comfy, because she wears all the time.

I am happy because mum has started giving me treats again. I got a toy for Christmas that I am meant to figure out how to get treats from, and without treats, that's a no-go. And reward treats for jumping and tricks. Life is just so much more fun with treats in it! Still technically on a diet, though...

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