
I had today all carefully mapped out but it started to unravel in the late morning when I went over to the University to get some pictures printed. It was here that I discovered that my PDF files didn't have trim marks so I had to go down to the football ground to locate the relevant picture frames and by the time I had found them, had a chat and returned to the print room the chap I wanted to see had gone for lunch so I went away again and returned an hour later to complete the order. This all impacted on my initial plan and by the time I had finished it was 2:30 and I still didn't have my blip. 

On the positive side I had a chat with the graphic designer at the University about getting a blip album printed with him doing the design work. I believe the price is comparable with getting it done online and it does have the considerable advantage that I have much more control of the output and  don't have to mess around with formatting the pictures and text. 

Anyway, as I was driving home, I was trying to think where I could take a picture and decided to go to the canal near the zoo for another bridge blip. When I parked up I noticed the light behind a copse on the brow of the hill but I especially like the track leading through the gap in the hedge. I did think of doing this in mono but on balance I liked the patch of blue sky.

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