Enough of the emo stuff already..

Never fear, I've shoved that back in it's box for now and blipped a flower. Pretty huh?
Nice day, actually FINALLY managed to clear up downstairs. Will get to the rest of it tomorrow. Spent some nice time with the little man having a civilised lunch of beans on toast and walking the mutt whilst hunting for insanely deep puddles and rounded it off with um, a few, bottles of wine with a couple of friends.
I should probably go to bed..

Thank you for the lovely comments yesterday. I wasn't really fishing, it was a bit of a cathartic blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh really. Am baby steps closer to putting the whole thing to bed despite never actually having the screaming match that my angry, bitter soul wants to have. Well, I'm a grown up, and the angels say I should move on, so move on I shall. I have more important things to worry about closer to home and I'm not going to feel bad about that.

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