Old School

I had to take a pair of my own trousers up by 2 inches because I bought the 'long' version instead of the medium length.  I am, after all, only average height.

Sadly, I am not average weight.  I am really struggling with the other effects of my condition - the bloating, hormones wreaking havoc with my weight and then the resultant "Oh my God" moments I have when I look in the mirror.

As for my 'condition' - this morning in my office I felt like I had travelled back 3 years to the epic pain levels that make me feel like I am being drawn and possibly quartered - back to how bad it was before the major surgery in March 2013.  I have no choice but to change my mindset and listen to my boss and put myself first...he thinks this is a superb development! (The listening, not the pain)

Back to work today.  Was glad of it to be honest.  A bit of structure and routine is exactly what I needed.  Not sure everyone felt that way.  However, I am trying to maintain a positive approach for 6 weeks and not get drawn into any negativity.  That doesn't mean I am not going to "counsel" naughty students, but I am going to remind myself on a daily basis that the VAST majority are absolutely bloody lovely, and it is those cherubs that my energy is going to be invested in.

Medication, shower, early night for me.  

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