We've missed you today!

Gosh it is hard to go back to work after 10 days off! Especially because the dogs hvad gotten used to lots of activity and now they have to get used to a little less. It always makes them hyper for a few days.

Dog walk after work and then home for 1½ hour of dog training. 

Dogs fed, Emmy fed (black pudding, which I thought I liked, but realised that I really really don't like - yuk!) and now it is sofa time!

I am 'game over' - Gollum sounds a little less tired! One of his stuffed animals seems to have exploded all over his puppy pen! 

How cute is this - Gollum and Hero in the sofa with me having a cuddle. Look at Gollum's face - he is in heaven :-)  <3

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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